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Uniform for both our core programs is an important part of the NYS experience. We truly believe 'feel good, play good'. 

We utilize an outside vendor for all our uniforms. Once you have ordered, if you have questions please reach out to Number 1 Source directly:

A couple important distinctions:
 - IM Jerseys do not require a number. All numbers are random
 - Travel jerseys require a number. That number will be provided by your coach or age group coordinator. Please do not order before you have your jersey number
 - All travel uniform items are REQUIRED
 - Only the IM jersey is REQUIRED for IM players

Once you have placed your order, if you have questions around delivery or returns, please contact Number One Source directly: 

[email protected]

Travel Uniform

This is for Travel Soccer Players -- Players who play in BAYS.  The uniform is made up the following:

  • Custom NYS Game Jersey - orange
  • Custom NYS Practice/Alternate Game Jersey - black
  • Custom NYS Black shorts
  • Custom NYS Black socks

Total Kit price $116 plus shipping delivered to your home.

Game (home)  jersey Practice (and alternate game) jersey
The uniform can be purchased by logging onto our new apparel website at Newton Soccer Store.  Shipping will be done directly to your home.   Numbers and names will be added to the shirt.  Numbers will be provided by your coach or age group coordinator.


Sneakers or cleated shoes are acceptable, however, cleated soccer shoes are strongly recommended.   Shin guards are required for all practices and games. No jewellry, watches, bracelets, etc. may be worn, EXCEPT medical alert tags, which must be protected with tape.

Playing with a cast is not allowed, regardless of the amount of wrapping or protection provided.  This is a safety issue for the other players on the field.  

Intramural Uniform

The IM uniform is made up the following:

  • Custom NYS Orange Jersey
  • Black shorts (suggested but optional) - family responsible for providing
  • Black soccer socks (suggested but optional) - family responsible for providing

All players are required to purchase a jersey for NYS activities.  Jerseys and other NYS items can be purchased at the IM Soccer Store.

Sneakers or cleated shoes are acceptable, but cleated soccer shoes are strongly recommended to ensure proper footing while playing.  Shin guards are required for all practices and games.  No jewelry, watches, bracelets, etc. may be worn, EXCEPT medical alert tags, which must be protected with tape.

Playing with a cast is not allowed, regardless of the amount of wrapping or protection provided.  This is a safety issue for the other players on the field.    
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