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NYS is pleased to announce details of our tryouts for our 2024/25 travel teams!

Players wishing to play travel soccer for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 seasons must tryout. In order to tryout, you must register for the travel program. Links to register are below. Please be aware that the travel soccer program is a two season commitment, Fall and Spring!


Players entering 3rd grade are required to attend both dates, those entering grades 4th-8th are only required to attend one date. For incoming 6th, 7th & 8th Graders ONLY, Goalkeeper tryouts are additional and free to attend (must also attend regular tryout).

If you have a conflict with the tryout date, please alert your Age Group Coordinator!

Tryout schedule below. Note that the tryout grade refers to Fall 2024 grade, not current. Please indicate preferred tryout time during registration. Groups/times will be communicated a week prior to tryout date:

note: You'll be asked for tryout time preference during registration. If we cannot accommodate your request, the next available slot will be given

: 3rd Grade

Date: Sunday 6/2 & Saturday 6/15 
Time:1pm / 2:30pm / 4pm
Location: Forte Field(6/2) & Oak Hill (6/15)
Address: 233 California St / Meadowbrook Road, Newton
* 3rd Graders must attend BOTH Sessions
Age: 4th Grade
Date: Sunday 6/9
Time: 1pm / 2:30pm / 4pm
Location: Forte
Address: 233 California St, Newton
Age: 5th Grade
Date: Sunday 6/2
Time: 1pm / 2:30pm / 4pm
Location:  Oak Hill Middle School
Meadowbrook Road, Newton
Age: 6th Grade
Date: Sunday 6/9
Time: 1pm / 2:30pm / 4pm
LocationOak Hill Middle School
Meadowbrook Road, Newton
Age: 7th Grade
Date: Friday 6/7
Time: 5-6:30pm or 6:30-8pm
Location:  The Fessenden School
Address: 450 Crafts St, Newton
Age: 8th Grade
Date: Friday 6/7
Time: 5-6:30pm or 6:30-8pm
Location:  The Fessenden School
Address: 450 Crafts St, Newton


Field Locations: FessendenForte &   Brown/OH


In additional to regular BAYS tryouts, we will be holding one goalkeeper specific tryout for our rising 6th, 7th and 8th grade players. The tryout is for players who are interested in being placed on a team to play at least 50% of each game as a designated GK. Players must also attend their regularly scheduled age group tryout.

This GK tryout, is in addition to their age group specific tryout.

Date: Tuesday 6/11
Location: Forte, California St, Newton
ime: 5-6pm


In order to tryout, you must first register and pay for 2024/25 Travel Soccer season. Registration for the Travel program will automatically enroll the player into a Tryout Session.  The fee is refundable if a player withdraws before July 1.  If a player is not placed onto a travel team the fee is refundable although these players are automatically enrolled into the IM program and encouraged to play in that program.  The travel fee can be applied to the IM Fall Season fee with the difference refunded.

Players should wear cleats, shinpads, and wear appropriate training gear. The tryouts will consist of a series of scrimmages that allow independent evaluators to assess their level of play.  Our goal is to provide the appropriate team that matches the skill level of the child.  This will give them the best experience learning and playing soccer. Due to the large number of players involved, NYS does not offer makeup tryouts.  If your child has an unavoidable conflict please speak with your child's coach and the appropriate age group coordinator.


Key Dates

Key details:
  • Registration opens week of 5/7/2024
  • Tryouts begin in June - details HERE
  • Rising 3rd grade players must attend both tryout dates
  • Teams are formed and communicated by mid-July.

  • NYS Travel registration is open: week of 5/6/2024
  • Registration will close 48 hours prior to the age group tryout. Example: 4th grade will close on 6/7 with tryout on 6/9.
  • Specific tryout times to be communicated the week prior to your age group tryout.
  • Tryouts occur between June 2nd and June 15th
  • Teams are formed: June 17th-July 7th
  • Communication of teams to families & players: Estimated the week of July 9th
  • Travel practices begin: week of September 2nd

For more information, or for questions, please contact your Age Group Coordinator or DOC Ed Jenkinson.

Age Group Coordinator Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

VP - TravelCostas Pavlides
3rd Grade Travel CoordinatorBob Varelas
4th Grade Travel CoordinatorMatt Cusick
5th Grade Travel CoordinatorKarl Berntorp
6th Grade Travel CoordinatorAmy Konary
7th Grade Travel CoordinatorCostas Pavlides
8th Grade Travel CoordinatorEd Jenkinson
10th & 12 Grade Travel  CoordinatorSid Chaudhry
BAYS RefereesIoannis Kyratzoglou


How to tryouts work

Players of the same rising grade group will arrive for 45minute-1hour slot and play four (4), 4v4 scrimmages. Players are divided by an algorithm for each game ensuring that they play with and against different players in each game. Each game lasts around 10-12 minutes. If we have more than 8 players per field, we’ll rotate subs in.

Do current players need to attend tryouts?

Yes – all players, new or returning, must attend tryouts.

Do teams change from year to year?

We encourage movement between teams to allow players who thrived in one environment to be challenged in a more competitive team. We want to place players in the most developmentally appropriate environment possible and that may mean moving up or down.

How many players are on a travel team roster?

Typically roster numbers are 12 for 3th/4th Grade, 14 for 5/6th Grade and 18-22 for 7th/8th Grade. We are limited by our league, BAYS, but we are typically well below their upper limit per grade.

Can my player play UP a grade group?

No – players must play their school grade group.

Does everyone get selected for a travel team?

Depending on the number of players trying out for the travel program, we aim to place as many players as is developmentally appropriate. As a base, 3rd grade will typically accept 72 players and we can add more as we go through the age groups.

What is the commitment for the travel program?

The travel program is a 2 season commitment, Fall AND Spring.

Can I register for a single season?

No – travel is a two-season commitment. For single season soccer, please consider the intramural program.

Who evaluates my player at tryouts?

We hire independent, professional evaluators for all our tryouts. No NYS coach, board member or other NYS volunteer is involved in the evaluation process. We do ask our current travel coaches to provide player feedback which aids in our placement process.

What if I cannot make the tryout date? Are there tryout other dates to tryout?

NYS is a large organization with many moving parts. We cannot offer and do not have alternative tryout dates for any grade. If you cannot make your tryout date, please contact your age group coordinator to explore any options.

I’m new to Newton and can’t attend tryouts, what can I do?

We do allow video submissions if you are a NEW player to the travel program or are NEW to Newton and cannot attend tryouts. Please reach out to your AGC to inquire.

Registration Listing

Travel Soccer - 2024/25

Newton Youth Soccer ("NYS") participates in BAYS, the Boston Area Youth Soccer League. BAYS is one of several regional leagues across Massachusetts that provide "travel" soccer, allowing teams from different towns to play one another.

Each season, Newton fields about 30-40 teams from players in 3rd Grade through High School. BAYS teams are organized by age groups depending on a player's school grade AND date of birth. PLAYERS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AGE GROUPS BELOW THEIR SCHOOL GRADE. OUR REGISTRATION SYSTEM MAY PRESENT TWO PROGRAMS TO EACH PLAYER BASED ON AGE, BUT IF ONE OF THE PROGRAMS IS FOR THE GRADE BELOW WHERE THE PLAYER WILL ATTEND IN SCHOOL, IT IS NOT A VALID OPTION.

In the fall season, NYS has teams that compete in the following age groups: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th and 8th, and a BAYS league for high school students in grades 9-12. BAYS provides a calculator to determine what age group your child can play in here

Your payment covers both the fall and spring seasons. In the event that your child is not placed on a team, the first option will be to transfer this payment to the intramural (IM) program for both seasons or you may request a refund.  

In addition to the fee indicated, there will be a $40 per player fee that the City of Newton has implemented for any youth sports organizations using grass fields. This mandatory, non-refundable fee is paid directly to Newton PR&C every season ($20/ player in the fall and $20 / player in the spring) and is in addition to the hourly rental fees paid by NYS.

Reminder that this is boys soccer. We do welcome girls that want to play primarily with boys. If you prefer you can go to Newton Girls Soccer to register for the girls program.


We recognize youth sports and other activity fees can be expensive. NYS offers a Scholarship Program to waive or reduce registration fees for any family in need of financial assistance. This is a confidential program that can include tuition, along with the uniform kit and other equipment, as needed.  

If you need financial assistance to be part of NYS, contact us here: [email protected]

Grade 3 - Boys

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/26/2024 to 07/31/2025
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Grade 4 - Boys

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/26/2024 to 07/31/2025
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Grade 5 - Boys

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/26/2024 to 07/31/2025
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Grade 6 - Boys

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/26/2024 to 07/31/2025
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Grade 7 - Boys

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/26/2024 to 07/31/2025
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Grade 8 - Boys

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/26/2024 to 07/31/2025
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